Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Rosa- Tagline

Spine- "World Mind, World Voice"

Layer- "Layering the Ideas"


Andrew said...

You're in the right ballpark but try using "world" just once. Reorganize the words and/or plug them into a thesaurus for ideas.

Try not to use the word "layer" in the tagline since it's already used in the title. Check out a thesaurus (online or print) to see what you can find.. I'm sure you'll find lots of options.

Ryan said...

Good comments from Andrew.

Spine: Too repetitive. What does "world mind, world voice" actually mean? Is it unifying? A call to action?

Layer: Again, Andrew is dead-on. Don't repeat your title. How are the ideas layered? Is it multiple views, arranged together, or are they synthesized into a new way of thinking? is your friend!

Keep working on this.
