Saturday, October 25, 2008

poster ideas

shannon's ideas

1. war in iraq: who is over there, who will be serving next
2. health care: as students about to get our first real jobs and start having to pay for our own
3. gas prices: right now they suck


harmstro said...

War in Iraq: What are you arguing here? Are you trying to raise awareness that certain ages and socio-economic classes are suffering the most in the war? Boil what you are trying to communicate about the war to one sentence. And then make sure that sentence is geared specifically toward 18-24 year olds. What particular issue of the Iraq war affects them enough to incite them to vote?

healthcare: What are you arguing here? Universal healthcare? Health Insurance reform? Narrow down your poster to a possible direction for improving healthcare for young people and then use that as a hook to get them to vote. It is not an issue that you can simply raise awareness of without providing some direction for a solution.

gas prices: How can 18-24 year olds improve this situation by going to the polls?

Ryan said...

We discussed the idea of "who's next" or what the possible repercussions of a continuing 2-front war in terms of needing people to fight them.

Gas prices seems the most vague right now and the hardest to define an approach for.

Focus your approach, but these are good topics.