Saturday, October 4, 2008

Kallie's Taglines

Cut: Fun in a Dotted Line

Cut the Crap:  All You Need to Know in One Sentence or Less

Cut: Cut Down Prices; Build Up Life

Cut: Trimming Deals

Point: Pinpoint Destinations

Point: Life in Perspective

Point: A Direct How-To For Life


Ryan said...

Cut: I'd work in the idea of pattern vs. dotted line...push the idea of high fashion/couture/'s not evident enough yet.

Point: Life in perspective is pretty elegant. Think that one's the clear winner right now.

Good job.

Andrew said...

cut: I like the direction that you're moving in with the "fun in a dotted line" tagline (it could yield some nice cover designs!) but it's not sticking yet. I agree with Ryan that thinking about dotted line vs. pattern could yield some intersting results.

Point: I like the first two but that fact that you use "point" as part of the first tagline rules it out as an option. "Life in Perspective" gets my vote!

Thanks for all of the options