Monday, November 10, 2008


I messed around with the type a bit. I haven't taken the third photo yet. Let me know what you think.


harmstro said...

These are looking great. I think the text is working better when it doesn't quite bleed off the page.

Poster 2 and 3 are working well. I would make the call to action "Vote..." a tiny bit bigger.

The text transition between poster 1 and 2 is still a bit awkward. Play around with running that line across, a well.

Andrew said...

I agree with Helen about making "Vote" bigger and about not bleeding the text in the second image.

Maybe play with the size of the text in the second.. it seem to have too much mass and forces it's way across the page as opposed to flowing across. Work with the type treatment and, in the process, decide whether the last image/page needs any treatment (considering that it's the only untreated page).

you're almost there!