Tuesday, November 11, 2008


so here is the other version of my poster. i like this one a lot more. thoughts??


Andrew said...

Whoa! I like this one A LOT more. The coins (and the message) are clear and you're hierarchy is much better defined! I'm also like your font choices in this one. I'm wondering how the coins and all of the copy would look if you moved them up the page a little?? Really nice Claire!!

Claire said...

Thanks Andrew!
I will try moving it up.
I"m definitely happier with this one.

harmstro said...

This version is much more refined than your previous ideas. Nice revision, Claire. I suggest working on the secondary text a bit more. The sentence is still long and awkward. How about something more like this: "Alchoholism, gambling addiction, bankrupcies—slots could cost Maryland $628 million dollars annually." Sentences should be short and direct on a poster. Your secondary information is key to your message here. I would also play around with the placement/treatment of the secondary text. Your hierarchy is looking good. Just experiment with different ways to handle the secondary information.

Ryan said...


MUCH better. This is heading in the right direction.

Please see Helen's comment regarding the writing of this, I agree with her suggestions.

Headline: I'd consider breaking up the headline and stacking the type a little diffrently to reinforce your message:

legalized slots
in Maryland

keep it the way you have it, but draw down the red from your x's to the "against" line.

Lastly, watch your leading in your headline, it's really uneven, and you need to have the same spacing even though your type size is shifting to keep it harmonious.

Good job!