Friday, October 24, 2008

Kallie's Poster Topics

1.Youth Rights and Age Discrimination: This concept would bring forth an urgency in our youth and also bring a respect to the participation they have in our society.  I believe if voting encompasses a large portion of 18-24 year olds, that they should also be provided the opportunity to execute their rights beyond the voting polls every four years too.  Perhaps this would be a call to action for a new New Deal proposal like the American Youth Congress, or National Youth Administration.  Active groups like these are desperately needed, but are not available.  Many students and youth are mature  young adults, but have no where to go to participate without being looked down upon, or not taken seriously.  
2. Stereotypes/Prejudices: False assumptions about entire groups of people.  I do not want to hone in on one specific group of people (ie the conventional blacks or hispanics).  What I am more interested in addressing is the entire system of judgements and prejudices.  I feel like so many false projections are placed on individuals by where they came from, what they look like, by different ethnic groups, social classes, religious orders, gender, sexual orientation.....  This is a pretty broad topic to cover, I know, but I want to address the whole topic of stereotyping and how it negatively affects the decisions that we make.
3.Corrupt Business/Trade:  This could be directed towards oil companies, of course, but I think that everybody knows that already.  Political action is about informing the people with facts first, and then presenting them with ways to solve the problem.  A poster I would make for this would inform people about the companies they are consumers for, but then I would inform them about all the negative strings that are attached to that.  (Example: Say a stuffed animal company produces their product out of child labor (ironically) and creates their packaging from destroyed rainforest trees.  This example is a little extreme, but you get the picture)  Uncensoring business's actions is first, and then people can make their own informative decisions about what they buy and what they are, in turn, supporting.  This poster would go beyond voting too (although voting is part of it); it would bring forth a calling to our participation in our industrial world.

Sorry about the length.  I got a little carried away, I know.  


harmstro said...

Your Rights and Age Discrimination: This is an interesting topic. Your instinct to offer a specific new proposal like the American Youth Congress is the right way to go. Make 18-24 year olds care about this issue in your poster and then offer them a solution (like the Youth Congress) that they can achieve through voting.

Stereotype/Prejudices. As you note in your comment, this is an extremely broad topic. That said, some great awareness campaigns have been done in the past along these lines (like Benetton campaign of portraits for famous people in which their race has been changed, Queen Elizabeth as an African American, etc.). You just have to make sure that the poster and presentation of this issue that you come up with urges 18-24 years old to vote. You will probably have to at least focus the campaign on a specific type of discrimination.

Corrupt Business Trade: This is the hardest topic to keep tied clearly to the assignment, which you yourself note. Yes, there is a lot of corruption in industry (often as a result of globalization) but why does awareness of that bring young people to the polls? Focus your strategy more. Is there a particular example of this type of corruption that will bring people to the polls? An example that comes to mind is off shore tax shelters for large corporations that one candidate (Obama) strongly opposes. My example does not necessary appeal to young people. Come up with a specific approach within this larger industry that does.

Ryan said...

Which topic means the most to you personally? I think 1 and 2 are the most appropriate for a poster project.

These are well thought out.