Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Hii, this is what I have so far. Need to know if these are too illustrative, or if they rule!



Kallie Sternburgh said...

These look nice. The only thing about your question though...the style of the teeth are a little stylized, they look all a little too individual. Perhaps the teeth could be more just TEETH, like all one shape? It looks like you are going the right direction though. I like them.

tara said...

I agree with Kallie. I think that the teeth are pushed more to the side of illustration than pictogram.

I like the way you depicted the floss but I'm not so convinced with the toothbrush. I understand that it is a toothbrush by looking at your whole set but I'm not sure it would be as strong if I saw that pictogram alone.

I think the choice to reverse the mouth out of a black circle was a great idea.


Ryan said...

Kailie and Tara are right.

These teeth are a bit frightening. Break them down into a simple shape(s) and go from there.

Interesting direction. Push these to make them even more memorable. They can be funny, etc.

The tootbrush is really hard to read as well.

Jenna said...

I wasn't done with the toothbrush!!!!

yeah, yeah, yeah.