OK. I don't know why these things have lines through them. But they really are solid images. All three I feel I am still trying to make cohesive with my next two, but I am having a bit of trouble. So, please let me know how people react. Thanks.
The Big Picture: This course will focus on developing and expanding your vocabulary as a graphic designer by exploring basic design elements (line, type, shape,texture) and principles (balance, contrast, composition, color) to createforms and concept. You will become familiar with the discipline of graphicdesign by producing images, symbols and systems and by investigating theuse of research and writing as tools for visual communication.
Expectations: Each student will be required to keep a process notebook during thesemester. This book will be used to document the students ideation andproject development. All research, images, sketches and ideas should berecorded in a clear, concise manner for each project. The process book willbe collected at the end of the semester and will count as one full projectgrade in your final evaluation.
You will also be responsible for assigned readings during the semester, anddocumenting your reaction to these readings. The readings are intended tofurther your knowledge and enrich your experience of the design field.These readings will be documented and turned in with your process book.
The Rules: Students are required to attend ALL class meetings and critiques. Unexcused absences, failure to show work in progress, and lack ofconsistent, professional and enthusiastic participation in class will result ina lower final grade.
Missing four classes will automatically result in an F for the class.
Each day a project is late will result in the reduction of a full-letter gradeduntil the project is turned in.
Projects: The course will consist of 4 projects of varying difficulty, duration, anddeliverables. Additionally, there will be several one-day workshops andintensive design sessions throughout the semester. Each project will involveindividual and group critiques, lab work sessions, and final projectpresentation of deliverables.
Contact: Ryan Cliffordryan.d.clifford@gmail.comrclifford@mica.edu410.340.8636
Office: Brown 308, Graduate LabOffice hours available by appointment
Grading Criteria: 1. Ability to research subject matter and apply it effectively andappropriately. 2. Creation of effective design solutions that communicates the intendedmessage with sensitivity to context and target audience. 3. Design sophistication in your approach to projects. 4. Active participation in all critiques and classroom discussions. 5. All work completed following the specifications given. 6. All work handed in on time. Late work will receive a full-grade reductioneach day late. 7. Documentation of process work. 8. Work in progress must be presented as printouts, not digitally. Get in thehabit of looking at your work in the form it is intended to be seen in.
Project and final grades will be determined by a combination of thefollowing:
Process (research, ideation, concept development, execution) Design Development (variations, growth, risk, success of solution) Presentation (clean, professionalism, craft, articulation of concepts) Participation (attendance, active in class, participate in class discourse)
Students may resubmit ANY projects for reconsideration after revision.Successful revision could potentially raise your project grade by one letter.You may resubmit each project ONCE.
Must Haves: x-acto knife and fresh #11 blades cork backed metal ruler design marker double-sidedgraph paper self-healing cutting mat 12 x 18 or largeradhesive: studio tac or spray mount (NO rubber cement) black illustration board for project presentation flashdrive, minimum 1 GBblank CDs + CD sleeves or jewel cases
Graphic Design One GD 200 01 Fall 2008
September 05 First class. Project 1. 12 Design development. 19 Full Class Critique. 9am to Noon. 26 Project 2
October 03 Design development. 10 Design development. 17 Full Class meeting, 9 am to Noon. 24 Project 3. 31 Full Class meeting, 9 am to Noon. Workshop.
November 07 Design development. 14 Full Class meeting, 9 am to Noon. Critique. 21 Full Class meeting, 9 am to Noon. Workshop. 28 Thanksgiving. No Class.
December 05 Project 4. 12 Project development. 19 Final class review.
This is a tentative schedule. Some adjustments may be necessary as thesemester proceeds. Plan on meeting for final critique on December 19, 2008.
The Small Print: ADA Compliance Statement. In order to provide the highest qualityeducational experience for every student, MICA is committed to compliancewith the ADA and Section 504. Any student who has (or suspects he or shemay have) a physical, cognitive, or psychological disability and who wantsto request accommodations must immediately schedule an appointment tomeet with the Director of the Learning Resource Center, by calling the LRCat 410-225-2416. The LRC is MICA’s designated department for determiningreasonable accommodations based on legal requirements and will providethe eligible student with an official Accommodation Verification letterfor their instructors. Each semester the student must formally requestaccommodations from the LRC, the format of the Verification letters changeeach semester to ensure currency.
NOTE: Students with disabilities who want assistance during emergencyevacuations must register with the LRC within the first week of eachsemester.
Health and Safety Compliance. MICA has developed policies and practicesto ensure a healthful environment and safe approaches to the use ofequipment, materials, and processes. It is the mutual responsibility offaculty and students to review health and safety standards relevant toeach class at the beginning of each semester. Students should be aware ofgeneral fire, health, and safety regulations posted in each area andcourse specific policies, practices, and cautions. Students who haveconcerns related to health and safety should contact the EnvironmentalHealth and Safety Coordinator. The Environmental Health and SafetyCoordinator, Quentin Moseley, may be reached at 410 462-7593 or by emailat qmoseley@mica.edu.
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