Friday, December 12, 2008

Pet-Peeves Revised

I revised all my pictograms here, and I am still going to investigate redoing the elevator one and switching it with a different pet-peeve, but I was just wondering if anybody had anything to say.  Thanks

1 comment:

Ryan said...

This has become a very interesting set. The forms are working well, and you have a unique viewpoint that you've brought to this.

Visually, the elevator picto is interesting, but it still doesn't "read".

What are some other pet peeves?

You've balanced the positive/negative space pretty well throughout, just double check to make sure they all harmonize with one another.

Finally, I think the knot in your electronic pet peeve is too free form. I think you can make a very precise knot that gets the idea across. It could be just a solid ball shape in the middle, or some variant of, that has cords coming and going from it.

Take a look at the classic UPS logo from Paul Rand for an example of this.