Monday, December 15, 2008

Book spreads

Been working on my spreads, a little feedback before I print would be great.

There are 2 versions of spread 2 because I don't really know what to do with it.


-Edit- Added my cover to this


erin said...

the last one is a nice ending

Kailie Parrish said...

I really like your five pages with your icons. You show that your pictograms work as both black and white. The last page is great! I think I like the second page without the black border the best. The font size seems a bit too large? I would shrink it down some and align left. I see that you were trying to align the text box with the picture, but I don't like how the text goes outside into the margin. Overall, your set is awesome! good job.

Ryan said...

Here are some comments:

Cover: Does it need a title?

Text: Left alignment would really help this. The center align is really awkward in this format.

Intro: I'd consider making the whole page black, as opposed to just the text box, esp. since the black area does not recur.

Pictogram set: This will run onto your back cover, so keep that in mind. I'd watch the type running over the gutter. Even though it's a fold, it's still awkward, esp. with all the available room in the spread.

I prefer your first second spread without the black semi-border.

Lastly, print this out black and white and check your type scale to make sure it's the right size.

Good job!