Ok. So here is a revised version of one of my posters. I felt a bit confused after last class as to how to resolve the problems with the text and the image. Some issues brought up from last class is that the posters were not interesting enough. I feel O.K. about this poster, but some feedback would be nice before I go on to do the other two. I thought "suffocating" the text with the image would be a possible solution. Also, I posted up the first one so you could remember what it looked like. Thanks for you feedback!
PS-the first poster bleeds to the edge, but you cannot tell because blogger adds a little border around the actual image. So, disregard the composition around the edges.
Good work. This is a strong revision.Consider carefully the way you are breaking up your text.Each phrase needs to read as something on its own. Consider moving words. Here's one way you could do it: "Just Because" "I can't answer #34 on my midterm exam" "Doesn't mean I am" "not educated enough" "to vote." There are other variations. Just keep this in mind in this poster and your others.
You've done a great job of calling out "Just Because" and "Vote" are the primary message of your piece. Nice hierarchy.
Thanks. This is Kallie by the way. No worries. Thanks for your response ;)
Kallie: the voice on this is improved.
I'm not convinced that the multiple tests are the solution here. You've taken an elegant, direct poster and made it very "full" visually...I'm not sure it's as successful as the use of white space before.
Part of it is that the text now really hits you over the head due to it's extreme size, and I feel you've also lost a bit of the personal voice in this by taking away the concept of call and response.
I'd either simplify this new direction, or take another look at the first direction.
These are interesting, but overwhelming right now, and feel more like an overall patterning.
I think you can do this with simpler, elegant elements. All the components are there for you.
I'd make the headline smaller like last time, it invites the viewer in without yelling at them, and I'd look at the order of your message.
Good work, it's up to you which direction you prefer, but I'd definitely look at the hierarchy in your newest direction.
- Ryan
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