I took Helen's advice as well as what was said in critique and built on it typographically with percentages as well as having another tagline at the bottom of the poster. Just need to decide which is a better representation of it.
EDIT: Accidentally left it in CMYK mode, so it didn't show up.
EDIT: Accidentally left it in CMYK mode, so it didn't show up.
I'm having trouble viewing your posters. Try reposting the link.
Hey Zach, I can't view it either. It takes me to a Picasa host but it doesn't show up.
This is a great direction Zach! I really like how concrete your approach has gotten! You've got the "get out the vote" message but you might try to also attach another, embedded topic. What topics brought people out to vote? 1st or 2nd amendment? Abortion?
As far as layouts go, I like your first approach, laying out the facts in a single column.
Zach, this is an interesting direction. Good work. Your poster really depends upon the informaton being conveyed since your aesthetics are more neutral. For that reason you need to craft that message more. What I get from your poster is that 1)here are the people who are out there voting 2) these people who care enough to vote are the ones making all the decisions for the rest of the country 3) You should be one of the these people so that you too can have a voice in what happens to us. With that message in mind, I suggest you revise your secondary copy "They do. Do you?" Right now the secondary copy doesn't want me to become one of those people who care. The statistics alone don't engage me enough. Make the statistics mean something to me in that secondary text.
Zach: This has a strong voice, and direct language. It's missing a clear call to action, however, that is based around an issue.
It's a unique and intriguing direction, but you really need to address the idea of actually voting, which is never mentioned. I know that this group of people cares, but I don't know how they show it.
Maybe you ask people to "prove it", ,then give simple direction to vote on Nov. 4th.
Almost there!
- Ryan
I like the first one the best, that has them all done in a row. I don't know if i feel that its necessary to have democrats republicans independents, and then to also have liberals, conservatives, and moderates. It gets confusing, what exactly are these people doing? voting? do we only know its voting because that is the assignment, i'm not so sure i would understand if i was just walking down the street. Also, the wording of No Highschool is awkward. Are you trying to say people that haven't graduated from highschool? And what exactly are you saying they voted on, was this the last election. Where does this poll take place... is it the whole nation? When using statistics you need to be specific because otherwise they become unreliable. But the look of it is very strong. and the beginning really grabs my attention
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