Thursday, November 27, 2008

new poster/postcard/buttons cont'd

The rest of the options for the poster/postcard/buttons are posted here at my flickr. Click the title link above (new poster/postcard/buttons cont'd).

new poster/postcard/buttons

I need help choosing vertical/horizontal, what color the monopoly guy should be, and what color I should make the colored boxes . Comments/suggestions? Thanks!
Add Image

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I have been working on revising my MERGE cover. Thoughts?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Research Papers # 3 and 4

Here are the subjects for your next 2 research papers. Remember, they are one page, with a color sample image. Please follow the same format as before.

Paper #3 : Otl Aicher

Paper #4: Ryan McGinness

These will both be due when we meet after the Thanksgiving break. See you after the holiday!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Thursday, November 13, 2008


This is my new layout of my poster. does it look alright? 

also in PDF form I am getting a weird almost white background box around my image. how do i get rid of that? will it even print?

More Revisions

Kallie's Posters Again

I been noticing that I have been dominating this blog excessively all day.  
Sorry guys. 
I decided to scratch the old images, and replace them with polaroids that I made.  They feel a little more personal to me at least.  It's getting there...
I am curious what others think in the class too.  

And a question: comma after the first text or not? And does it bother people to see "Doesn't" capitalized in the 2nd part?



i took away the asterisks. I dont know why the background is all stripey. it's still just plain orange.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

New Poster

More Revisions

Personally, I like the "holes" because without them, it's not clear that they are pin points. They look like they are floating. Maybe that's just me? I agree that they are too big and too perfectly round. I've changed that.

I like Andrew's suggestion of random points to add more visual interest.

I've been working with the cropping/ placement of the U.S. I think the composition is sort of boring when it is not cropped. So, I'm still trying to crop it and having some of the "needles" go off the page as well.

I reduced the size of the call to action.
I moved it to the bottom right below florida to carry the viewer's eye down...

I changed the off-white color to white.

Horizontal and Vertical

Poster Text

The text is hard to read on the blog at the bottom, maybe that means it needs to be changed? But what it says is:

The US army doesn't have enough military support in Vietnam = A Draft
The US army doesn't have enough military support in Iraq =

My thought was that you would be drawn in enough by the image to read the text, and that the text should almost have the feel that it is also a part of the yearbook.

Since I wasn't in town last Friday I'd really appreciate your feedback! Thanks

Shannon's Poster

Shannon's poster for comments.

3rd Time's a Charm?...

Soooo.  Here I am again posting a 3rd version.  I centered the image and the text after trying it many different ways, mainly because the image has to be in the poster.  I know that centering is sometimes dangerous, but in this case I think it works.  Again, thanks for your replies.

Rearranged Poster

I took your advice for breaking up the words.
The "to vote" part might seem a little awkward, but that may just be me.

Revised Poster I out of III

Ok. So here is a revised version of one of my posters.  I felt a bit confused after last class as to how to resolve the problems with the text and the image.  Some issues brought up from last class is that the posters were not interesting enough.  I feel O.K. about this poster, but some feedback would be nice before I go on to do the other two.  I thought "suffocating" the text with the image would be a possible solution.  Also, I posted up the first one so you could remember what it looked like.  Thanks for you feedback! 

PS-the first poster bleeds to the edge, but you cannot tell because blogger adds a little border around the actual image.  So, disregard the composition around the edges.  

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Jenna's poster

I dont know, I feel like it's too simple. But I'm happy with the text. Get at me with comments, please!


so here is the other version of my poster. i like this one a lot more. thoughts??

Another Revision

Played around with the text a bit more.

Rearranged Poster

Revised Posters

Here are 3 revised posters. I took in to consideration the color, idea of the pin point on the map, and just having the U.S. instead of the world...

The first poster is just the basic idea using the suggestions in class... the photomontage of the needle and the health care symbol pin pointing the fact "14 million 19-29 year olds..." on a map of the U.S. The call to action is still at the bottom.

The second poster plays with the idea of multiple pin points, breaking up the sentence. I added "holes" where the needle would push through the page. I got rid of the photomontage and instead just have the health care symbol acting as the pinpoint. This poster has a lot of ideas mixed in one poster. Which idea(s) do you like/dislike? Which should I try to incorporate in my final poster?

The third poster is horizontal to accommodate the orientation of the U.S. Otherwise, it's very similar to the first poster

The general questions would be...
color- america=red, text and symbol=white, background=blue?
orientation- horizontal or vertical?
symbol- photomontage or just health care?
pin point- holes or no holes?
headline- multiple points separating sentence, or one large one point?

Poster Revision

I took Helen's advice as well as what was said in critique and built on it typographically with percentages as well as having another tagline at the bottom of the poster. Just need to decide which is a better representation of it.

EDIT: Accidentally left it in CMYK mode, so it didn't show up.

Monday, November 10, 2008


I messed around with the type a bit. I haven't taken the third photo yet. Let me know what you think.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Nat's Poster Revisions

I think the white border is growing on me...

Friday, November 7, 2008