Here are 3 revised posters. I took in to consideration the color, idea of the pin point on the map, and just having the U.S. instead of the world...
first poster is just the basic idea using the suggestions in class... the photomontage of the needle and the health care symbol pin pointing the fact "14 million 19-29 year olds..." on a map of the U.S. The call to action is still at the bottom.
second poster plays with the idea of multiple pin points, breaking up the sentence. I added "holes" where the needle would push through the page. I got rid of the photomontage and instead just have the health care symbol acting as the pinpoint. This poster has a lot of ideas mixed in one poster. Which idea(s) do you like/dislike? Which should I try to incorporate in my final poster?
third poster is horizontal to accommodate the orientation of the U.S. Otherwise, it's very similar to the first poster
The general questions would be...
color- america=red, text and symbol=white, background=blue?
orientation- horizontal or vertical?
symbol- photomontage or just health care?
pin point- holes or no holes?
headline- multiple points separating sentence, or one large one point?